So, I’m back. And I’m going vegetarian.

Well, after a lovely summer vacation (and a year), I am back to this attempted blog. I have returned with a new mission, one that I am not entering into lightly and one I know that I am going to need the support of knowledge of friends, family and strangers to get me through.

Last night while surfing the web, I came across a video that was made to freak people and help to end animal cruelty. Well, guess what… it worked. Even if the video isn’t based on truth, which I sure hope it isn’t, I can’t think about my food the same way. Here is the video. Watch with caution.

I couldn’t get very far into the video, maybe only a minute and a half before I completely melted down. I cried for a while and then once I regained my senses, I started thinking about how never to contribute to that cycle any longer. Well, today is the first day of my new lifestyle. I have spent most of the morning researching vegetarianism/veganism. I have a lot to learn about my new diet, so I am going to use this is a place to document my new journey.

So, here is what I have concluded so far. Going cold turkey is not the answer. Pardon the metaphor. I have found that a lot of people agree that you should transition into it and some suggested allowing yourself a cheat day. So, that’s what I’m going to try. I am going to continue to research things to avoid and let you know what I find.

Here are a few helpful links that I have come across so far.

-Posting this one first, because of the great name.

This Blog has a lot of great stuff, but these were a few I found to be particularly helpful.

Things I can still eat!

Of course, PETA has lots of resourses, but they are mostly for vegans.

And finally, some other helpful blogs I came across.

So, even though I love meat and hate veggies, I am making the switch. If anyone out there has some easy recipes for someone who eats like an 8 year old boy, feel free to send them my way. Thank you for your support.

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